Pilots need to be aware of several critical weather situations.
PHAK 12-11 Low-Level Wind Shear
AC 00-6B Ch. 15 Adverse Wind
AC 00-45
Ch. 3 & 5 Observations and Forecasts
ERAU Aviation Weather Guide
AIM 7-1-24 Wind Shear PIREPs
PHAK 12-22 Thunderstorms
AC 00-6B Ch. 19 Thunderstorms
AC 00-45H Ch. 3 & 5 Observations and Forecasts
ERAU Aviation Weather Guide
AIM 7-1-28/29 Thunderstorms/Thunderstorm Flying
PHAK 12-24 Turbulence
AC 00-6B Ch. 17 Turbulence
AC 00-45H Ch. 3, & 5 Observations and Forecasts
ERAU Aviation Weather Guide
AIM Ch 7-1-23/25 PIREPs Relating to Turblence/Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) PIREPs
PHAK 12-24 Icing
AC 00-6B Ch. 18 Icing
AC 00-45H Ch. 3 & 5 Observations and Forecasts
ERAU Aviation Weather Guide
AIM Ch 7-1-21/22 PIREPs Relating to Airframe Icing/Definitions of Inflight Icing Terms
AFH 4-18 VMC to IMC
RMH 5-7 Continuing VFR into IMC
Private Pilot ACS Page 5 Weather Information