It is important to know the elements related to radio communications and ATC light signals. The AIM can be used for specified phraseology and procedures.
AIM 4-2 Radio Communications Phraseology and Techniques
AIM 5-5 Pilot/Controller Roles and Responsibilities
AIM 6-4-1 Two-way Radio Communications Failure
PHAK Ch-14 (22) Radio Communication
91.123 Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions
91.125 ATC light signals
91.126 (d) Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class G airspace
91.127 (c) Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace
91.129 (c & d) Operations in Class D airspace
91.13 Operations in Class C airspace
91.131 Operations in Class B airspace
Private Pilot ACS Page 18 Task A. Communications and Light Gun Signals
Private Pilot ACS Page 49 Task F. Radio Communications, Navigation Systems/Facilities, and Radar Services